Jean-Philippe ANTIGNAC
Dr. Jean-Philippe Antignac is engineer and PhD graduated in analytical chemistry, and a scientist belonging to the National Institute of Agronomic Research (INRA). He is since 2007 the scientific officer of LABERCA. He is also contributing to public expertise working groups for INSERM and the French Food Safety Agency (ANSES). His competence areas are the analysis of organic chemical residues and contaminants in biological matrices for risk assessment and environmental health purposes. His specific research field is the study of endocrine disrupting chemicals from a human exposure assessment point of view. Through various collaborations he is also involved in several projects studying the relation between this human environmental chemical exposome and human health. The development and application of global chemical phenotyping approaches such as metabolomic or lipidomic is another component of his research activities for identifying biomarkers and/or biological signatures associated to a given exposure or a given effect. In particular he is coordinating one workpackage dedicated to the screening of emerging chemicals in human matrices within the EU H2020 HBM4EU initiative. His is author or co-author of more than 120 publications in international peer review journals and his current h-index is 31.