Bruno LE BIZEC graduated from Nantes University as a Doctor in Analytical Chemistry (PhD, 1995). He obtained his HDR (final University degree authorising the leadership of Research Projects) in 2001. In 2005, he became Professor in food safety at the National Veterinary College of Nantes, Oniris. Professor Le Bizec is currently the Head of LABERCA, French National Reference Laboratory in charge of forbidden growth promoters in farm animals and a wide range of persistent organic pollutants in food. He is the Director of the Research Unit UMR1329 Oniris-INRA.

He became a member of the Contaminant panel (ERCA) of the French Agency for Food Safety (Anses) from 2006 to 2012 and is currently Chairing this panel (2018-2020). Professor Le Bizec is also serving as a member on a FAO/WHO expert committee on food additives (JECFA) since 2008 and in IARC (PCB monography, 2013). He has been repeatedly invited as a national expert for FVO (Food and Veterinary Offices, EU DG SANCO) inspection in member states and third countries. He is member of the WADA Laboratory Expert Group since 2015 that is responsible for the overall management of the anti-doping laboratory accreditation and re-accreditation process. Bruno’s activities include membership in several scientific councils both at institutional levels (ENVN, ENITIAA, Oniris…) and at international scientific events [Euroresidue (NL), VDRA (B), RAFA (CZ), International SaskVal Workshop (CA)…). Since 2018, he is member of the International Advisory Board of the World Dioxin Symposium. He developed and teaches food safety, risk analysis as well as analytical chemistry. He is coordinating the actions of SARAF, an international education school specialized in Advanced Residue Analysis in Food. Bruno is Head Deputy of the Doctoral School ‘Biology and Health (ED BS, n°502) of the Bretagne-Loire University (700 PhD students). He is the author or co-author of more than 300 peer-reviewed scientific papers (h-index 44), 1 book and 12 book chapters, 200 oral communications. Bruno Le Bizec received several awards amongst which the Euroresidue Award in 2004 for its research career on steroid hormones analysis. He was bestowed Knight of the Order of Academic Palms in 2015 by the French Government for distinguished services.